
Introducing Indri! This is Northwest Veterinary Hospital’s Employee Pet of the Month for February. Indri is owned by Veterinary Technician, Avis. See what this lovely lady has to say.

Species: Dog, duh!
Breed: Labrador Retriever mix. My parents tell me that I must be mixed with cow because I’ll eat as much grass as they allow me to on walks; while I was under the impression that cow wasn’t a breed of dog, I trust that my people are more knowledgeable than me.
Age: 13.5 years old is everyone’s best guess. When my parents rescued me from a shelter, the first veterinarian that I saw estimated that I was between 2 and 2.5 years old, so that’s what we’ve always gone by.

Favorite toy: I used to have a squeaky log that was super cool- I’ve personally never met a real log that squeaks (or makes any noise, for that matter) so that’s probably why I thought it was so clever. Since my precious squeaky log got eaten by that crazed garbage man, I have grown fonder of food-dispensing toys; the quicker the food comes out, the more fun the toy is.

Favorite activity: Eating is pretty awesome, so I think that’s probably my favorite. But, don’t get me wrong- I am not just a one dimensional dog: Going on walks is pretty fun, too, especially when I find something that I can sniff so hard that it’s practically like I’m eating it, or, even better, when I find something that I can actually eat; I also have fun sleeping- it’s especially fun when I dream about eating; I also like digging in the dirt and then laying in it, especially when I find something to eat under the dirt; I also like eviscerating toys because it reminds me of times when I got to eat the entrails of real animals.

Favorite spot in your home: I have a couple nice doggy beds that I ignore- I really enjoy lying on this thin little blanket at the foot of mom and dad’s bed, though. I also enjoy sitting underneath tables if I think that food might fall off into my mouth and I’m fond of sitting real close my people when they are eating so that I can live vicariously through them for a few moments.
Other cool moments in my life: One time I got sprayed by a skunk and another time I ate a dead animal and another time I rolled in a dead animal and another time I found a dead animal and just sniffed it. Those are the coolest things I’ve ever done.