Treating the Heart with Care
Cardiology entails many areas of diagnosis and treatment of heart problems. We typically provide cardiac services spanning a physical exam, thoracic radiographs, an electrocardiogram, laboratory blood analyses, an echocardiogram, and Doppler.
Just as humans can be afflicted with heart problems, so can our pets. And just like with humans, the first person to note these issues is usually the patient’s regular doctor. This usually happens through routine visits using patient histories, physical examinations, and auscultation (listening to the heart and lungs with a stethoscope). Once a potential issue is identified in the patient, whether human or animal, their doctor would recommend diagnostics. This might include blood testing, blood pressure, an electrocardiogram, radiology (x-ray), or scheduling a visit with a board-certified cardiologist for a cardiac echo (echocardiogram).
Owners who are faced with the news that their beloved pet has a heart issue don’t have to leave our practice to get quality cardiac care. Dr. Jerry Woodfield of Northwest Cardiology Consultants is a board-certified cardiologist who has years of highly specialized intensive training and experience in the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases, visits our sister hospital (Northwest Veterinary Hospital) each week. He performs echocardiograms on scheduled patients and provides a diagnosis and suggested treatment plan when appropriate. In addition to his expertise, he provides access to a leading-edge cardiac ultrasound machine with Doppler while also taking advantage of our hospital’s full spectrum of diagnostic tools. Dr. Woodfield does not meet with our clients directly but advises our doctors on patient care. The pet’s regular veterinarian is then able to collaborate with our clients and tailor Dr. Woodfield’s recommendations to best provide for the ongoing health and comfort of our patients

Ravenna Animal Hospital
Call/Text: 206-522-2114
Fax: 206-522-0953