Radiographs can be an essential tool to diagnose your pet's illness.
Radiographic images (X-rays) are one of our most useful tools for viewing internal structures of the body. Being able to view organs like the heart, lungs, and liver, as well as structures like bones and joints allows us to diagnose a variety of injuries and diseases.
Radiographs are images produced by x-rays. Radiology is a quick and easy imaging modality that provides details on internal organs and structures. We provide skeletal and soft tissue studies as well as specialized contrast studies. All of our systems use digital technology. Digital imaging produces superior images, allows us near instantaneous images, and the ability to consult with radiologists in real time via the internet.
At all our facilities radiographs are initially evaluated by our doctors in-house, and when appropriate they are then sent to a board-certified veterinary radiologist for further review. This additional layer of review provides us with timely and accurate diagnostic interpretation of each study.

Richmond Beach Animal Hospital
Call/Text: 206-360-5330
Fax: 206-360-5315